Twitter has added new (and very nice) background formatting options

Yeah, for some time we have struggled to understand, how much space we have on twitter’s background for use of passing on various kind of information. Since the background images have been fixed to the left side of browser’s window, it hasn’t been an easy task. There was no “one size fits all” option. 

Now, twitter has updated this and we have new options:

I really don’t know for how long this has been available, since I noticed this just some weeks ago. I think that THE option is “center” – since the width of twitter stream and profile information is fixed, this allows to have some fun blending the various pictures together. Like in this example of @SwedbankLatvia account:

Thank you for reading, leave your opinions on best uses (include links) in comments. Share this, if you think that you know someone who could use this info. 
