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Par to, kā draugiem.lv iederas kopējā komunikāciju plūsmu tīklā, domāju jau kādu laiku un ik pa laikam ir jāatbild uz pamata jautājumu – kur komunicēt
Par to, kā draugiem.lv iederas kopējā komunikāciju plūsmu tīklā, domāju jau kādu laiku un ik pa laikam ir jāatbild uz pamata jautājumu – kur komunicēt
This is a no brainer. Every social media “expert” at any given time is ready to spill out this magical sentence: “on social media 100
Twitter isn’t the only one to blame on this. There isn’t a social network which (in my opinion) would deserve a nomination for “complete and
Local campaigns to get the word out about business or event Campaign or everyday activity including a well-designed hashtag can create much bigger buzz than
1) Palielināt lietotāju skaitu, kuru pieaugums palielina ienākumus no reklāmdevējiem par auditoriju. Šādi līdz šim operēja Facebook, bet tagad ir skaidrs, ka tas mūžīgi turpināties
Foursquare is THE service, when we think about the combination of local and mobile. No discussions on that. Nonetheless, there are areas where foursquare falls
Social networks right now are huge. They’re everywhere, everyone is on them and there are some of them which are just starting out, going viral
This post is about: comScore have just released data implying that Facebook’s unique visitor numbers are dropping. See the TNW article here: http://tnw.to/l0JS If the
Izklaidēt savu patērētāju un atgādināt viņam par savu esamību nav slikti un ik pa laikam to pat vajag izdarīt. Visa dzīve nav darbs un dažkārt
Problem: In the good old days, when we had Celeron, Pentium II and other “newest and fastest” processors, 96mb RAMs and all that other stuff.
Second week of June came with a surprise from foursquare. Their completely redesigned app landed and had already some good reviews from people I respect-
From time to time there comes a rising star, which quickly gets picked up by social media enthusiasts, news sites, advertisers and soon after there