

Rīgas satiksmes pieredze sociālajos tīklos

Baiba Bartaševiča, Rīgas Satiksme, Sociālie mediji from Māris Antons Rīgas satiksmes pieredze sociālajos tīklos. Prezentācijas autore: Rīgas satiksmes Sabiedrisko attiecību nodaļas vadītāja Baiba Bartaševiča Manuprāt,

My Instagram’s tipping point

Not so long ago (in the middle of December) Instagram changed their “Terms of Service” which created a massive uproar between users and media. A

When asked how companies could improve customer service, 17% of 16-24 and 25-34 year-old asked for faster response times on Twitter. Across all age groups,