Olympics – participants per medal per country
Since I don’t agree that comparing country results in Sochi 2014 by their population is fair, it was interesting for me to compile a table
Since I don’t agree that comparing country results in Sochi 2014 by their population is fair, it was interesting for me to compile a table
Tas ir diezgan lieliski. Beidzot varēšu kvalitatīvi atsaukties uz leldefeilo. Es nezinu.
Jo es gribu parunāt par dažām lietām. Jaungada apņemšanās Man nav īstas jaungada apņemšanās. Tas ir, man ir apņemšanās, vēlmes un mērķi, bet sakars
A link to the past: why Nintendo won’t make games for smartphones | The Verge While I understand Nintendo’s point of view and its view
Since I am a part of this social media/advertising/digital/web/mobile gig, I follow and see a lot of brands on social media just to see what’s
Lately, mobile video is all the craze. Youtube is still the king, but Instagram, Vine, Mixbit (child of YouTube founders) and others are entering
I had heard about it, but didn’t give it too much attention until it happened with me – Facebook page notification box has been replaced
It’s actually pretty simple – if you are an admin of a Facebook page, all you have to do is – start chat with anyone
Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to watch Richard Wagner’s “Lohengrin” in Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. To make long story short –
Pēc mana iepriekšējā tvīta Baiba ar mani aprunājājās un mēs nonācām pie kopīga viedokļa, tāpēc es, Māris Antons, pilnībā atsaucu savu iepriekšējo paziņojumu (par
This is a feature that mimics Facebook ad targeting for your page’s everyday posts. It can come in as pretty handy, when you have message
Kad mēs šitā ātri ejam, man ir sajūta, ka mēs esam ļoti svarīgi. Krista Liepiņa